Thursday, March 14, 2013

Follow the leader

The other day I had the great pleasure of having the head-girl and head-boy of Tygerberg High School join me for a Quick Pics session.

After chatting about what they needed (a picture to hang in the school entrance), and a few more messages typed by Adrian on his phone (while gently being teased by Renata), we were ready for action.

The picture for the school is quite formal, having to mind the jackets and trying to keep the school emblem (and the many many badges these guys acquired) in shot.

We then got in a bit closer, doing a couple of head-shots.

And then, because we could, we had some fun.

Really lovely meeting Renata. Adrian I know very well. Although I may not be quite qualified to say this, I think Tygerberg High School has chosen well.

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