A couple of years ago I found a recipe for chilli hot chocolate, a perfect thing to beat the winter chill (pun, anyone?).
The thing is, this recipe (although absolutely delicious) involved chillies, cream, dark chocolate and one or two other things I cannot remember right now. It involved infusing, straining etc etc, and other than that I probably don't have cream in the house. This is just too much trouble; in all honesty, if I want a cup of cocoa I want it now, not four hours from now. (That includes going to the shop for the ingredients and getting distracted by shoes. Okay, 5 hours.)
So my husband came up with a rather eloquent solution: and it comes in the form of Lindt chocolate slabs. (I don't know about you, but I need no excuses to add a couple of those to the weekly shopping list.) So here we go (and imagine me drinking a cup while writing, coz I am...).

2 blocks of Lindt Chilli dark chocolate (from a 100g slab)
1 block Lindt 70% dark chocolate (from a 100g slab)
mug with milk

*1min, stir, 1min, stir, works for me, but this might be different for your microwave, so maybe try a bit shorter to start and watch carefully, you do not want the milk to boil, just get nice and hot. Taste with caution.
This combo gives me that hint of chilli that I like, but if you prefer more of a bite, go chilli chocolate all the way.
The cream infusing recipe I mentioned above is more rich and luxurious, but for a quick fix, this will be hard to beat.
Keep warm
PS If you do believe you have a better quick hot chocolate recipe, please let me know